While not a LEED certified building, LEED standards were employed in the building specifications to require sustainable products. This ran afoul of the lack of mill-grade wood within 500 miles of San Antonio. |
Villa Finale
Visitor' Center
San Antonio, 2008
The original building was likely designed by O’Neil Ford Architects, but without drafting equipment. The result was a building of surprisingly clean lines. Fifty years of weathering had reduced the exterior woodwork to a system of structural paint, requiring complete replacement. |
Vermiculite abatement slowed the project once discovered in the walls, but great care was taken to treat the building as potentially historic. Contractors were taken in hand and educated about the finer points of historic renovation work. |
The National Historic Trust |
Designed to house the offices of the National Historic Trust Villa Finale team, the Visitor’s Center catered to guests with a gift store, curated exhibits, and presentation space. |